Thursday, 20 September 2012

Tomato Quinoa Spaghetti

Last night for dinner we were pressed for time, and therefore pressed for what we had kicking around in the fridge as well!

Thankfully, we were both heading to do physical activities: Will (the hubby) to hockey and me to the gym - so something substantial was on the menu!

Our favourite packaged pasta, I prefer fresh, is by TruRoots - and it's made of Quinoa, Brown Rice and Amaranth - so gluten-free! It tastes better than regular white or whole wheat pasta and is WAY better for you. Unfortunately, it's hard to find - I can only find it at the Barrie Costco and usually buy 4 or 5 packages when I go so we always have some on hand.

So onto the recipe: Tomato Quinoa Spaghetti

Fresh tomatoes cut into wedges
Kalamata Olives
Red Onion diced

EVOO - tuscany flavoured
2 cloves of garlic freshly pressed
Italian or Greek seasoning

Cook spaghetti according to package instructions, once rinse and strained toss with dressing and add in fresh ingredients once plated. Sprinkle with feta cheese if desired.

Bon appetite!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Avocado Crunch Snack...or Side!

So sometimes when I just eat soup for a meal I need something to go along with it...and of course you know I love avocado more than anything else I eat soooo what better side to serve up than an avocado crunch snack - or side ;)

My favourite crackers, and I never eat crackers, are the FINN CRISP caraway crispbreads.

They only have 5g of carbohydrates per piece and only consist of 5 ingredients. They are super crunchy, very thin and although I would not recommend eating them solo - any type of topping is great!

They are a high source of fiber as well, and only consist of whole grain rye flour, caraway, yeast, water and salt. Simple, yet delicious.

I topped mine with a slice of avocado, some pepper and drizzled a bit of lime EVOO over it - let me tell you, this lime olive oil is INSANELY good with avocado!

4 crispbreads
1/2 an avocado


Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Green Goodness Soup!

So this is a small tweak on my regular broccoli soup - really, you can add as much spinach and kale as you please - I just find these proportions work best :)

Add parmesan cheese, parsley or chilles as desired!

Friday, 7 September 2012

Constant Cravings

No, this is not a rendition of the KD Lang hit - it's a small post about my sometimes random, yet healthy cravings.

Most people crave ice cream, or chips, or something "unhealthy" for them. Me? Well I'm glad you asked. I crave things like mustard, pickles, water chestnuts, figs, raw onions mixed with fresh cherry tomatoes...and the list goes on.

Now don't get me wrong, of course I crave chocolate now and again - who doesn't? Or a warm, fresh out of the oven croissant....just saying.

So today, of course, I had a random craving for salmon and olives at lunch - and silly me, I forgot my lunch at home so I ran out to my local Longo's (Whole Foods still hasn't opened up in Markham yet) to fulfill my cravings!

- Salmon with some sunflower seeds
- Kalamata Olives
- Fresh cut Figs
- Roasted Red Peppers

Of course I threw this all on a bed of spinach, sprinkled pumpkin seeds on top and sliced half an avocado to go on the side with about 8 cherry tomatoes from my mom's garden - yum!

It was so good I only took a picture of the take-out - not the finished product....many apologies.

So I guess in the end, when you change your diet and fill your stomach with more nutritious, delicious and healthy meals - your cravings change as well!

Bon Appetite!