Monday, 20 January 2014

The daily lists

So I do have to say that the daily lists of things I need to do and take since becoming pregnant are pretty extensive.

Taking care of your body, mind and spirit during pregnancy are very important things and takes practice. Here is my daily list as not only a pregnant woman, but a Type 1 Diabetic woman:

- testing blood sugars 8x per day at least, once before every meal and once after every meal and having my sugars between 4.7 and 6.3 all the time which is very difficult but I've actually been accomplishing this pretty much 80% of the time

- take my thyroid medication upon waking up and not having any calcium or magnesium within four hours of this pill which includes of course all dairy products

- take my three prenatal mutlivitamins daily as well as 2 folic acid supplements and 3 vitamin B complex pills

- take a tbsp of my omega oils at night and a tbsp of my calcium / magnesium liquid supplement

- make sure to get at least 30 min of physical activity every day: I include my 2km of walking to the street car in this and try to practice at least 30 min of yoga at night, usually prenatal vinyasa as well as my at-home workouts which consist of squats, push-ups, lunges, planks, arm exercises and weights

- make sure to connect with the baby twice daily and practice gratitude at the same time morning and night which I basically turn into a five min mediation whether it's in the shower or sitting or lying in bed

- ensure my meals are as healthy and clean as possible

- and finally, work!!!

So it's a bit of a long list but I seem to be doing pretty well so far. I have also been reading nightly different pregnancy books on yoga, midwifery and other subjects


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