Wednesday, 21 May 2014

35 weeks…no complications yet a cesarean is mentioned...

Type 1 Diabetes has been part of my life for the past 27 years, so saying I don't really know what life is like without it, is an understatement.

On becoming pregnant I was a little worried the moment I found out because I didn't feel as prepared as I wanted to be - but as we know, you can't plan for everything in life, even the tiny miracles :)

My pregnancy journey has been amazing. Honestly, I was never sick, I wasn't severely exhausted, I had lots of energy and felt positive and blessed the entire time. Yes I've had a couple of emotional moments, literally a couple, and weeks where I felt a little less energetic as usual, but overall I have literally loved being pregnant.

Besides the slight swelling of my ankles in the last couple of weeks and the hip pain that wakes me up about every two hours, I'm still doing very well.

My blood pressure is normal, my blood sugars are great, I'm measuring completely normal and still feeling the same as I did (minus my workouts and outfits) pre-pregnancy.

So it's frustrating when today at my weekly doctor's appointment, my OB tells me how amazing I'm doing but in the same sentence mentions a planned cesarean due to his concerns about shoulder dystocia (as he's backing out of the room I might add). The baby is still measuring on the bigger side (his abdomen) but he is still only in the 78 percentage which isn't crazy big by any means.

The reason they measure the baby's belly for diabetics is:

Babies born to diabetic mothers are often larger than normal. This is because blood glucose passes directly from you to your baby, so if you have high blood glucose levels your baby will produce extra insulin to compensate. This can lead to your baby storing more fat and tissue.

This pregnancy has been a blessing for my husband and I - a complete miracle, a complete surprise, and a complete natural event. Everything has gone so well, and still is, so it is hard to hear someone say, in so many words, well…just to be careful let's say you might not be able to deliver this baby, even though nothing is actually wrong...

I guess I wanted to write this post to express my frustrations. Yes I have T1 Diabetes, but nothing about my pregnancy has been high risk. I can't be under the care of a midwife, which I have accepted, but it doesn't mean I don't still believe in natural childbirth. I live my life as natural and holistic as possible, and it is this part of me that I feel makes me who I am. 

I'm not saying that I would ever do anything to put my baby, or myself, at risk. But I need hard facts…I need a reason to why this planned cesarean "might" have to be the only option for me. I'm not against cesareans, but I also need to feel that the decisions being made are for my health and the baby's health - not for convenience. 

I respect the OB I'm working with immensely, but if he wants to convince me this is the route we have to take that's exactly what he's going to have to do - convince us with hard facts, statistics and reasons related to my health and the baby's health specifically. 

Unfortunately for him I'm not going to be an easy sell - especially with the residents I've seen through this pregnancy who just assumed I was having a c/s because well, that's what we do with diabetics.

So wish my husband and I luck with this new development and whatever is meant to happen will, that's the one thing we agree on completely - the universe has it's plan and as long as everyone is safe and healthy that's all that matters!


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Updates from Ultrasound + Appointments

So after my appointments at the clinic this morning I have some updates:

Baby size - he's a little on the bigger size, 78% for size which isn't terrible for a diabetic but is slightly on the bigger size. His head size is perfect for the due date, tummy is a bit bigger than average but again nothing crazy and he is just under 5 lbs - which sort of scared me but they said it's fine and even said ultrasounds are never perfect with the weight of the baby.

Apparently he has big cute cheeks - can't wait to pinch them!

My Stomach size - I'm measuring at 33 weeks (which is sort of my guess anyway) but my OB says I'm 33 weeks on Saturday so it's only a few days difference.

Blood Pressure - 118/78 so I am VERY happy about that

Weight - I've put on roughly 25lbs now but I am still wearing normal clothes (other than maternity pants of course) and don't really feel that much different other than my tummy of course which is like a basketball haha - they said the slight swelling I have around my ankles is normal and just to watch to make sure it doesn't move up my legs or happen anywhere else

Diabetic Numbers - they were very impressed with my numbers and the fact that I did all the adjustments in the last month (joys of a clinic when they forget about you at your last appointment)

I have a requisition to have thyroid, iron, A1C and proteins checked two weeks from now.

OB Updates - I have to go for ultrasounds every week now, my OB said they are bio-physical not just growth ultrasounds so whatever that means (still have to google that)

They are quite happy with everything, which makes me happy (not that I've been nervous, I haven't at all) and just tell me to keep up with my monitoring and exercising and healthy eating.

The only thing I have to watch is for low blood sugars, because that will indicate something is wrong with the placenta and if that happens I am to come into the hospital immediately.

The thing is with Diabetics, especially Type 1's, is that the hormones the placenta is producing on it's own now fight with the insulin and so my sugars rise even when I'm just sleeping - nothing crazy because my control is so good but into the 7's usually instead of how they were in the 4's and 5's for the majority of the pregnancy.

Again, they won't let me go past 38 weeks, so sometime around June 14 I will be induced (if I haven't already gone into labour naturally)

I've been reading a really great book by Deepak Chopra called: A Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth and it's really supported a lot of the ideas I have surrounding pregnancy and childbirth which is great - even if I might not have the most natural childbirth, there are still things I can practice which is all I want in the end :)

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

33 weeks and symptoms (finally) arise...

So I'm 33 weeks this week and have had some interesting symptoms arise that I feel are worth sharing whether you're a pregnant diabetic or not:

Plantar Fasciitis (I think) - sometimes I'm getting this burning in my heel once I've stood for a long period of time, not really after walking or exercise but more when I'm standing still with little movement. I have a really high arch so probably adds to this type of thing developing. (need to keep on eye on it especially because of diabetes)

Sweaty Feet - ok, my feet are sweating all the time, seems not so crazy but it is when you're just sitting at work with sweaty feet!

Swollen Ankles - some days are better than others, my legs aren't swollen at all and my feet haven't swelled that bad either, it's literally a ring around where my ankle ball is located - like an ankle bracelet without the bling!

I think that is also why my calves seem extra tight - trying to stick to my yoga routine and walking and the gym but may need to add in even more stretching and more elevation and icing!

Hip pain - only when I sleep on my sides (which I can only do obviously) so I flip a lot in the night, which is still easy to do thankfully but I basically wake up with what feels like a knife in my hip and have to sit up, stand up, and then it goes away….I do some hip stretches as well - quite funny at 3:30am.

New Diabetic Symptoms:

NOTE: a lot of my pre-pregancy symptoms have cleared such as my sciatica, the marks on my shins from my diabetes have vanished and everyone claims there is no cure so this proves to me that obviously hormones and amazing sugar control are the cure! I also haven't had a headache since I've become pregnant - go figure!

I'm taking a lot more insulin now…which I'm not ecstatic about, but, I would rather have more insulin in me than have higher sugars which effect the baby even if it means slightly more weight gain for me.

For example, normally I'm about 1 unit an hour all day - and 1 unit per 10 grams of carbohydrates. Usually 1 unit brings me down 2 mmol as well.

Now I'm at 1.15 units per hour roughly all day and through the night, and 1 unit per 5 grams of carbohydrates - which is the most I've ever taken. Now 1 unit brings me down about 1-1.5 mmol.

My sugars are steady around the 5, 6, 7 marks - which I'm ok with….through most of the pregnancy they were at the 3.5-6 mark so I've gotten them under control again even when I'm rising through the night with the hormonal effects.

So all in all I am still feeling really great, but noticing changes….which if you know pregnancy, every week is different and a new experience!

I do have to say, lululemon is amazing - I'm still wearing all of my yoga gear very comfortably so cheers to stretchy workout clothing!!!!