Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Day 1 - Monday, March 3 Meals

Day 1 - Monday, March 3

7am - Piece of organic sourdough toast with almond butter and organic blackberry jam

9am - Small mason jar of organic oatmeal, organic plain yogurt and a handful of frozen raspberries (see attached pic), 1 small coffee at work

11am - 2 small handfuls of Artie's Raw Nut Mix (from the Superstore) which includes: almonds, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios and walnuts

12:30pm - Bowl of homemade carrot, ginger, cumin soup (with onions and garlic), 20 Mary's crackers with organic hummus

3pm - handful of raw nut mix, 1 organic apple

7pm - baked chicken breast with pasta sauce and parmesan cheese, side of quinoa spaghetti


My blood sugars were in the 4's all day - seriously, between 4.4 and 4.9 all day, but then 3 hours after going to sleep I woke up to my blood sugar being 12.4 - so I bolus'd and woke up at 3.9…which is perfect for me. NO idea how this keeps happening but I'm tracking it very well and meeting with the diabetic team next week. But other than that, the numbers were perfect all day :)


*Exercise: 15 min walk in the morning (just over 1 km), 15 min walk at lunch (just over 1 km), 15 min of yoga (short vinyasa sequence), 30 push-ups, 30 dips, 50 squats with weights, 30 lunges with weights


I had such a busy day that after dinner I relaxed for a bit, checked some emails, did my exercises and then had a nice epsom salt bath. We went to bed earlier than usual but it was well deserved!

Here is a pic of the breakfast oatmeal I made for the week:

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