Thursday, 27 February 2014

Healthy Pregnancy

Being a Type 1 Diabetic for 26 years now has not only taught me a lot about the importance of one's health in general, but also discipline and to appreciate the health you do have in the present moment.

Since becoming pregnant I have maintained amazing control because really it's the most important thing to the health of my baby and me. 

I can't lie and say this hasn't been difficult - testing before and after every meal, 8 times a day, counting each carbohydrate that I consume and adjusting my bolus rate as accurately and quickly as possible. 

The other difficult thing is that during every woman's pregnancy things change, nothing remains the same the entire time and that is truly the case with my body's need for insulin.

But, after my last appointment at the diabetic pregnancy clinic I go to my A1C was 5.9, my thyroid was perfect and the rest of the bloodwork was great. Plus, the baby is doing very very well and is not growing bigger than the average at all which is a major concern with diabetic pregnancies.

I really contribute these results to everything I've mentioned above: my discipline, gratitude and my knowledge and passion for good health. My sugars have never been this good and I really feel amazing being pregnant, this has truly been a miracle for my husband and I and only motivates me to continue this type of control in the future! 

Here is my most recent photo at 23 ½ weeks (just short of 6 months) too bad I look so serious haha: 

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Smart Snacking Vending Machines

This is amazing, and well over-due if you ask me.

I stumbled upon this website when a friend posted it to Facebook and I think it's brilliant - although not all the products are actually as healthy as people want you to believe, 90% of them are, but you do have to please everyone's tastes when it comes to vending machines ;)

I love how if you purchase this machine you can choose your own menu items as well - from Larabars, Luna Bars to Coconut Water and Pure Mango Juice.

Hopefully these will start to pop up everywhere making healthy snacks on the go available to everyone whether you're in a hospital waiting room, out shopping at a mall (and you're pregnant and about to eat anything in sight) or just need to grab something at college between classes.

Check out their website to learn more today :)


Monday, 10 February 2014

Carbs for breakfast

If you're like me, I went from smoothies and grapefruit for breakfast to needing more carbohydrates (breads) for breakfast when I became pregnant.

I wouldn't call it a craving as much as just a smoothie and fruit left my stomach feeling empty in less than an hour, so I would need something more substantial.

If you have been following me for awhile you also know I try to eat as gluten-fee as well as flour-free as much as possible. 

So yesterday when I woke up wanting pancakes so badly for Sunday morning brunch I had to improvise without eggs or pancake mix!

Luckily I'm resourceful and stock a random selection of gluten-free flours for muffins and flatbreads when I'm in the mood for cooking ;) So welcome:

Amaranth Cinnamon Pacakes 

2 cups of amaranth flour
½ cup of flax meal
2 tbsp of cinnamon
3 tbsp baking powder
1 tbsp cane or coconut sugar 
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp coconut oil
½ cup of water
3 cups of almond milk

Mix dry ingredients together then add wet ingredients, stir until mixed not necessarily smooth and cook in a pan with coconut oil over medium heat - top with butter and maple syrup or whatever you fancy!

You could also add cardamom, ginger and clove to make it more of a chai flavour too yum!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Hearty, yet fresh and light lunch

In the midst of winter and yet another winter storm, sometimes craving comfort food only comes naturally.

This week however I have been dreaming about spring, ok and summer too, so I decided to stick to some hearty, yet fresh and light lunch ideas!

Today's lunch and a dill chickpea veggie salad:

1 cup of rinsed canned chick peas 
Large handful of fresh dill chopped 
Small handful of fresh parsley chopped
Chopped orange pepper
Green onion
Sliced kalamata olives
Black pepper
Sprinkle of goat cheese

Mix the above together with the juice of half a lemon and olive oil, and scoop onto two large handfuls of organic spinach! 

It's hearty, delicious, easy and healthy!!