Wednesday, 12 June 2013

#mspjourney to wellness - Day 7

Day 7 - Tuesday, June 11

7:00am - large glass of water

7:30am - Cup of hot lemon water with the juice of 1/2 lemon

9:30am - Green smoothie with spinach, kale, frozen raspberries, spirulina and maca powder

1:30pm - Bowl of homemade Broccoli Kale Spinach Soup and homemade gluten-free flatbread

4:00pm - 2 squares of 70% cocoa coconut almond "nutbar" chocolate bar which is vegan, fair trade, organic and gluten and soy-free!

6:30pm - Store-bought fresh salmon/dill/lemon/pepper burgers topped with organic dijon mustard and on top of fresh chopped purple kale (side of sweet potato rounds baked with pepper and chilli powder)


8:00pm - 1 hour Pilates class (feeling the pain now)


11:30pm - went to bed after doing a few hours of freelance over a glass of red wine

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

#MSPJOURNEY to Wellness Day 6

Day 6 - Monday, June 10

This week my goal is to make liquids the main part of every meal to give my digestion a bit of a rest. Although with dinner tonight I was not able to stick to the routine. For the rest of the week I am going to stick to liquids for breakfast, lunch and dinner and snack in between with salads, proteins and veggies :)

7:00am - large glass of water

7:30am - Cup of hot lemon water with the juice of 1 lemon

9:30am - Piece of gluten-free toast with 1/2 an avocado

12:30pm - Bowl of homemade Tomato Minestrone Soup and homemade gluten-free flatbread

3:30pm - Gluten-free flatbread as a snack

6:30pm - Greek salad: cucumbers, red onion, organic grape tomatoes, feta cheese, kalamata olives, greek seasoning, lemon and EVOO and a grass-fed free-range turkey sausage with whole grain mustard and tomatoes (not pictured because I was running late for yoga and had to eat quickly)


8:15pm - 1 hour Power Yoga Class


11:00pm - went to bed and said my mantra 5x in my head: I am grateful for everything in my life

Monday, 10 June 2013

June Journey to Wellness Day 5

TGIF Day 5 - Friday, June 7

7:25am - slept in a little bit so had a large glass of water and started getting ready!

7:30am - cup of hot lemon water

9:30am - smoothie: greens powder, frozen strawberries, 1/2 banana and water

12:30pm - Salad: raw kale, yellow beets baked the night before, organic edamame, cucumber, avocado and pumpkin seeds with EVOO, apple cider vinegar and lemon!

3pm - Mary's crackers with some hummus

8:30pm - Leftover chicken burger on a bed of organic spinach with tomato and then on the side we had organic roasted red pepper hummus with Mary's Sticks & Twigs gluten-free pretzels - yum! I also found this Cider at the LCBO called William that is gluten-free, organic, Canadian and only 8g of sugar  per can - pretty good!

9pm - SWEET TREAT - So Delicious (brand name) Coconut Milk Chocolate Almond Bar - they are actually quite small, dairy-free and have 8g of sugar per bar so not so bad - and it was Friday, I wanted a treat :)

We watched a movie and went to bed fairly early because Will had a work softball tournament in the morning and I had to work at the PYC (Power Yoga Canada) studio! zzzzzzzzzz

Friday, 7 June 2013

June Journey to Wellness - Day 4

Day 4 - Thursday, June 6

7am - wake up and listed everything I was grateful for about my life in my head, had a glass of water

7:30am - cup of hot lemon water

8:00am - smoothie: hemp powder, almond butter, cacao, cinnamon, 1/2 banana, water and spirulina

10am - omelette with mushrooms

12:30pm - Salad: raw kale, swiss chard, spinach, shredded carrots and beets, some red quinoa, napa cabbage, an avocado, pumpkin seeds, hemp hearts and lemon dijon dressing!

3pm - Mary's crackers with some hummus

7:30pm - Chicken burgers on a bed of organic spinach with tomato and avocado and baked sweet potato rounds: ground chicken, green onions, juice of 1 lemon, lemon zest, dijon mustard, whole grain mustard, garlic, pepper

9pm - 2 small glasses of red wine


6pm - 30min walk, 50 squats and power grocery shopping!


*I didn't get to meditate tonight as I was doing freelance design, cleaning the kitchen and buzzing my husband's hair haha, but I did sit for about 3 minutes to clear my mind before going to sleep!

Thursday, 6 June 2013

June Journey to Wellness - Day 3

Day #3 - Wednesday, June 5

My affirmation for today was: I now listen to my inner guidance. I notice my thoughts, feelings, visions, and words. I now have the strength and courage to follow them and take the steps given to me.

7am - wake up and listed everything I was grateful for about my life in my head, had a glass of water

7:30am - cup of hot lemon water

8:00am - chocolate chai smoothie: hemp powder, spirulina, cacoa, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, almond milk, almond butter, maca powder, water, 1/2 banana

10:00am - had some of my amaranth heated up with flax seeds and cinnamon

12:30pm - mixed greens (chard, kale and spinach) with red cabbage and carrot slaw, with my summer chickpea salad I made last night on top - so delicious the next day!

3:00pm - we had a treat to celebrate a bride-to-be that I work with so I had a piece of this raw vegan frozen bar made of almond butter, coconut oil, cashews and agave - yum!

6:30pm - minced turkey cooked with garlic, onions, tamari sauce (gluten-free), chile flakes and put that on top of a cabbage slaw in collard green leaves to make wraps!


8pm - 1 hour Power Yoga Class


*I did some design work after my yoga class and shower and repeated my affirmation before heading to bed around 11pm.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

June Journey to Wellness - Day Two

Day #2 - Tuesday, June 4

Goals this week: cut out coffee, finish the book I'm reading, finish my 3 freelance projects, let go of everything that isn't needed in my life!

7am - wake up and listed everything I was grateful for about my life in my head, had a glass of water

7:30am - cup of hot lemon water

8:00am - chocolate chai smoothie: spirulina, cacoa, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, almond milk, almond butter, water, 1/2 banana, greens powder

10:00am - piece of gluten-free toast with almond butter and an organic apple/ginger tea

1:30pm - mixed greens (chard, kale and spinach) with red cabbage and carrot slaw, pumpkin seeds, sprouts and a piece of salmon with dill and a lemon, dijon, EVOO and pepper dressing

3:00pm - other favourite rishi tea: organic cinnamon plum mmmmmm

6:30pm - grilled chicken with summer chickpea salad: organic chickpeas, tomatoes, yellow pepper, green onion, lots of dill, olive oil, sea salt and pepper and fresh lemon juice over arugula


7:30 - 9pm - 4km walk with my friend


*After my walk I cleaned the kitchen, meditated and did some deep breathing for 15 min and then read 2 chapters of the book I want to finish this week!

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

June Journey to Wellness - Day One

Day #1 - Monday, June 3

Food aspect of today was amazing, and the exercise and meditation part as well! Overall it was an amazing first day and nothing crazy out of my routine - but very inspiring as well!

7am wake up - listed 3 things I was grateful for in my life: the sunshine, my husband and family and my health - I repeated this 3 times in my mind with a big smile :)

7:30am - large glass of water, cup of hot lemon water (1/2 lemon), greens powder with water

9:30am - warm bowl of amaranth with cinnamon, sunflower seeds and flax seeds

12:30pm - Kale salad with dill, hemp hearts, sprouts, red cabbage, carrots, pumpkin seeds, lemon and EVOO dressing

3pm - 15 Mary's crackers with organic hummus (Sunflower brand) and my favourite anti-inflammatory tea - Turmeric/Ginger from Rishi

6:30pm - BBQ'd salmon topped with fresh dill and lemon, baked sweet potato slices, fresh cucumber and tomato salad with lemon and EVOO


8pm - 1 hour Power Yoga Class - during savasana I sent love to my pancreas for five minutes


10:30pm - 10 minutes of meditation and relaxation breathing, repeated the following mantra 10 times for healing and self love purposes:

Only beautiful, loving things occur around me and within me.

All recipes available upon request but these are quite simple and ingredients are listed above :) xo

*Note, the VegeGreens powder by Proventive is a green food supplement. I use this if I'm travelling and it's perfect if you don't have access to a blender or the ingredients to make a smoothie (which I didn't). The powder is berry-flavoured, has numerous vegetables, vitamins and nutrients in it - a blend of over 60 phytonutrients! Also available in larger containers instead of travel packs.

Monday, 3 June 2013

My June Journey to WAKE up my sweet pancreas

Happy June!

I have been so excited for June to come so I can start this health + wellness journey with all of you.

It will be broken into 3 categories: 

• Food + Nutrition (recipes as well of course)
• Exercise 
• Self-Love + Inner Wellness

I'm actually cutting this journey down to 4 weeks, 5 days per week and leaving weekends for inspiration and research - but still keeping with the program just not documenting my every move!

I hope this journey I'm embarking on will motivate and inspire you! Feel free to comment, ask questions, share accomplishments or results and GET INVOLVED with the healing process with me!

This "June Journey" looks something like this:

• Daily Food, Exercise and Self-love/Inner Wellness Posts
• Posts on what is inspiring me, what results I'm getting, how I'm feeling etc etc
• Each week will have a theme to follow along with if you so desire

The point of this "journey" is to start healing my pancreas FOR REAL with techniques I've been adapting, researching and paying attention to over the last year. 

I am sharing who is motivating me and educating me....along with things I am finding out myself through trial and error and pure exploration and experimentation.

The basis is from these nutrition and healing gurus:

Julie Daniluk's book: Meals that Heal Inflammation
Kris Carr's book: Crazy Sexy Kitchen
Dr. Mark Hyman's Book: The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook
Louise Hay: You Can Heal Your Life

I also research and follow these authors and health gurus like it's not ONLY their books that have motivated me to start this, but their articles, their tweets, their blogs and so get the point.

At the beginning of each day I will write a post about what I'm grateful for, then I will post my breakfasts, my snacks, my lunches, my dinners, my mantras, my meditation themes and my exercise and relaxation techniques for the day. I am committing to doing this 5 days a week for not only myself, but for you guys as well! I am on a mission to WAKE my pancreas UP and get it going again.

So, there's a lot to share here, a lot ahead of me and you this month and A LOT to accomplish. I am just so grateful to have this forum and followers like you. 

Please don't hesitate to participate and maybe awaken your spirit, or your pancreas a little too! :)
