Wednesday 5 June 2013

June Journey to Wellness - Day Two

Day #2 - Tuesday, June 4

Goals this week: cut out coffee, finish the book I'm reading, finish my 3 freelance projects, let go of everything that isn't needed in my life!

7am - wake up and listed everything I was grateful for about my life in my head, had a glass of water

7:30am - cup of hot lemon water

8:00am - chocolate chai smoothie: spirulina, cacoa, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, almond milk, almond butter, water, 1/2 banana, greens powder

10:00am - piece of gluten-free toast with almond butter and an organic apple/ginger tea

1:30pm - mixed greens (chard, kale and spinach) with red cabbage and carrot slaw, pumpkin seeds, sprouts and a piece of salmon with dill and a lemon, dijon, EVOO and pepper dressing

3:00pm - other favourite rishi tea: organic cinnamon plum mmmmmm

6:30pm - grilled chicken with summer chickpea salad: organic chickpeas, tomatoes, yellow pepper, green onion, lots of dill, olive oil, sea salt and pepper and fresh lemon juice over arugula


7:30 - 9pm - 4km walk with my friend


*After my walk I cleaned the kitchen, meditated and did some deep breathing for 15 min and then read 2 chapters of the book I want to finish this week!

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