Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Crunchy Colourful Salad Mix!

This salad is not only colourful, it is delicious and nutritious! I like to mix things up when it comes to cooking, or in this case preparing, my food. Every day is different - even though it may seem like eating salad everyday could get boring let me tell you - it isn't! I LOVE crunch, actually I will not eat a salad without some type of crunch (and let's be honest, without avocado) so in this healthy mix I included goji berries and pumpkin seeds for a little somethin' special!

Crunchy & Colourful Salad


organic arugula
red cabbage chopped
carrots and zucchini grated
avocado sliced
pumpkin seeds
edamame beans (pre-cooked)
goji berries (dried)

oil olive, flaxseed oil, dash of apple cider vinegar, dijon mustard and juice of half a lemon

Not only is this salad AWESOME for an office worker like myself, it doesn't have much effect on my blood sugar levels. There is only 1/2 a grated carrot in the salad, which doesn't have much sugar, and the goji berries (a handful if that) are not going to effect it much either.

In total I would give myself 0.5 units of insulin to cover the 5-10 grams of carbohydrates from the carrot and berries - and this type of lunch will fill you up and keep you going - no 3:00 slump with this crunchy, colourful salad mix! 

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