Monday, 30 July 2012

Last Minute Mondays

Today I slept in. I don't think this has ever happened to me in the past few years - especially this late. I felt the warm sun on my face, I rolled over thinking I still had a few minutes to spare and I glanced at my blackberry down on the ground...7:58am?!?!?!?!?!?!

I had planned to wake up early this morning, make a green juice, a veggie omelette while I was practicing my 20 min yoga routine and put together my lunch. Needless to say, I had to throw a random lunch together to get to work in time and this is what I came up with:

Last Minute Monday Salad

2 handfuls of arugula (the bed of the salad for everything else to topple on top)
1/2 cup of leftover greek-seasoned quinoa
1 handful of grape tomatoes
1 sliced avoado
Handful of red cabbage sliced
1 cup of julienned carrot and zucchini mix (leftover obviously)
Sprinkle of Pumpkin seeds

Squeeze 1/2 a lemon on top with some black pepper

Now this salad can really be a mixture of what is in your fridge, easy to grab and throw together. I usually have extra quinoa in a glass container in the fridge along with sliced veggies for easy access. It is filling, it's delicious and it's fast - basically everything people want in a lunch from home. It will make  you feel like you haven't woken up on the wrong side of the bed and slept in over an hour!

Happy Monday!

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