Monday, 23 July 2012

Oh Monday Morning...

Each morning I start off with a glass of warm lemon water - it is the one routine I have been able to stick to consistently thus far - yoga on the other hand does not always get the same result! Green juices or smoothies are my interlude to a more substantial breakfast once I get to work.

However, sometimes the office A/C is on just a little too high and I require a little more warming up than usual so I go for a nice warming tea. My favourite lately is called "Revitalize" by the brand PUKKA that has many different flavours, most with cleansing properties and a little kick of some type of spice! Revitalize is a warm tea consisting of organic cinnamon, cardamom and ginger meant to "warm & invigorate", as the package reads. You would truly think this tea would be better suited for a cold winter night cuddled up on the couch with a warm blanket - but, sometimes our office resembles the same type of weather! I love the smell of this tea and furthermore the taste - anything with ginger and cinnamon is ok in my books and helps the tummy as well!

So maybe the next time you feel like going for a hot chocolate in the extreme heat of summer reach for one of these delicious Pukka teas - and if you don't sit in an air-conditioned office all day (lucky you) then maybe over a little ice with some almond milk would be refreshingly just as delicious!

Oh, and obviously no insulin required for this little treat!

P.S - don't you love the logo? Pukka Teas can be found in most grocery stores and many health food stores as well - their website is:


  1. I'm totally checking this tea out! It sounds delicious!!! Do you know of any T.O. retailers?

  2. I have found it at The Big Carrot, Loblaws and other health food stores! I love their teas - so many flavours!
